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  assistant village representative  助理村代表
  assisted home purchase flat  资助自置居所
  Associate Member, Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors [AHKIS]  香港测量师学会会员
  Associate Member, Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors [ARICS]  皇家特许测量师学会会员
  associated external area  附连的外部地方
  associated retaining wall  有关挡土墙
  associated road and drainage works  有关道路及渠务工程
  associated structure  附连构筑物
  Association of Consulting Engineers of Hong Kong [ACEHK]  香港顾问工程师协会
  Association of Government Cartographic Staff  政府制图人员协会
  Association of Government Land and Engineering Surveying Officers [AGLESO]  政府土地工程测量员协会
  Association of Government Local Land Surveyors [AGLLS]  政府本地土地测量师协会
  Association of Government Survey Officers (Estate)  政府产业测量员协会
  Association of Government Technical and Survey Officers [AGTSO]  政府工程技术及测量人员协会
  assumed load  假定载荷;计算载荷
  at grade  同一平面;地面
  at-receiver mitigation measure  在受污染处采取的减轻污染措施
  atrium  中庭;门廊
  A-truss  A形桁架
  at-source mitigation measure  源头减轻污染措施
  attachment  附件;附属物
  Attitude Survey on Housing  房屋意见调查
  auger pile  螺旋桩
  austenitic stainless steel  奥氏体不锈钢
  authorized architect  认可建筑师;核准建筑师
  authorized extension  认可扩建
  authorized land surveyor  认可土地测量师
  authorized marine borrow area  认可挖沙区
  authorized occupant  认可占用人;认可住客
  Authorized Persons’ and Registered Structural Engineers’ Disciplinary Board Panel  认可人士及注册结构工程师纪律委员团
  Authorized Persons’ Register [kept by the Building Authority]  认可人士名册〔由建筑事务监督保管〕
  Authorized Persons Registration Committees Panel  认可人士注册事务委员团
  authorized structure  认可构筑物;认可搭建物
  authorized tenant  认可租客
  authorized works  获授权进行的工程;批准进行的工程
  automated central vacuum refuse collection system  自动化中央真空垃圾收集系统
  automated refuse collection system  自动垃圾收集系统
  Automated Slope Maintenance Hotline Service  《斜坡维修自动热线服务》
  automatic access control equipment  自动关闸设备
  Automatic Carpark Control System  自动停车场管理系统
  automatic central refuse collection system  自动化中央垃圾收集系统
  automatic control switch  自动控制开关
  automatic fire alarm system [AFA system]  自动火警警报系统

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