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  Centralsug Refuse Collection System  中央气动垃圾输送系统
  centre line  中心线
  centre line of street  街道中心线
  centric load  中心荷载
  centrifugal autoclaved concrete pile  离心蒸压混凝土桩
  centrifugal concrete pile  离心混凝土桩
  centrifugal filter  离心过滤器
  centrifugal load  离心荷载
  centrifugal prestressed concrete pile  离心预应力混凝土桩
  centrifugal pump  离心泵
  centroid  重心;形心
  ceramic tile  瓷砖
  Certificate in Housing Management  房屋管理文凭
  Certificate of Availability for Sale  可供出售证明书
  certificate of completion  竣工证明书;完工证明书
  Certificate of Completion  楼宇落成证明书
  Certificate of Compliance [Home Ownership Scheme]  遵行规定证明书〔居者有其屋计划〕
  certificate of compliance  合约完成证明书;完工证;完成规定事项证明书
  Certificate of Eligibility [Home Purchase Loan Scheme]  资格证明书〔自置居所贷款计划〕
  Certificate of Eligibility to Purchase  购楼资格证明书
  Certificate of Exemption from Estate Duty  豁免遗产税证明书
  certificate of exemption in respect of agricultural use  关于农业用途的豁免证明书
  certificate of exemption in respect of community use  关于社区用途的豁免证明书
  certificate of exemption in respect of new housing  关于新房屋的豁免证明书
  certificate of exemption in respect of replacement housing  关于重建临时房屋的豁免证明书
  Certificate of Fair Market Rent  公平市值租金证明书
  Certificate of Fire Service Installations and Equipment  消防装置及设备证书
  certificate of increase in rent  加租证明书
  Certificate of Primary User of Premises  楼宇主要用途证明书
  Certificate of Rateable Value  应课差饷租值证明书
  certificate of registration  登记证明书;注册证明书〔土地注册处〕;注册证书〔业主立案法团〕
  certificate of sectional completion  分段竣工证明书;分段完工证明书
  Certificate of Standard Rent  标准租金证明书
  Certificate of Title  业权证明书
  Certificate Relating to Prevailing Market Rent  有关市值租金证明书
  cesspool  污水池
  "chai tong"  斋堂
  chain block  滑车吊链;链动滑轮
  chain bucket dredger  链斗式挖泥船
  chain link fence  铁网围栏;铁丝网围栏;铁丝网
  chain link mesh  铁丝网
  chain sounding  链式水深测量
  chainage  里程距离;链距;链测长度;链程;丈量长度
  Chainman  丈量员

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